- Emphasize correct posture (body and facial) – Your body is your instrument! Did you know that different facial postures alter your sound?
- Learn how to breathe efficiently for the style of the song.
- Master different levels of support (controlling the escape of air) for the demands of the style.
- Eliminate muscular tension in the tongue (one of the strongest muscles in the body!), jaw and neck. They all work together.
- Focus on healthy vocal fold closure which maintaining an open throat. Eliminate the reach and the squeeze.
- Align your vocal registers. No more breaks, cracks or blips!
- Understand and develop the different colors and tonal choices in your voice. Resonance is your best friend and will save your voice!
- Power: develop a stronger voice in the most efficient way possible (meaning less “vocal effort” and fatigue).
- Finally, apply your technique to your chosen songs.
- Learn the differences in styles so that your music doesn’t all sound the same! Musical Theater (traditional and contemporary), Jazz, Pop, R&B, Folk, Rock – you must understand and employ different choices in your musical approach, diction, tonal colors and vibrato if you wish to sing authentically.
- Become a real artist instead of just singing the right pitches and rhythms like most singers.
- Cross-training technique (for those who are interested) into Classical (including Opera) are fun and increase your musical opportunities.